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Deep Dive into IAM PassRole

As an AWS security best practice, it's best to have narrow-scoped IAM policies so that users are only authorized to perform actions on the resources they expect. This is even more important when you plan to authorize users to run some code in AWS services (for example, in a lambda function to access other resources). In this case, IAM provides a way to standardize the roles that authorized users can grant to AWS services: IAM PassRole

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Basic concepts of cryptography

Cryptography is not only a method of providing information security, but also a collection of mathematical techniques. There is no doubt that cryptography is a discipline that mainly exists to deal with information security.

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ETH query transaction records of an address

Apikey needs to be applied for. Apikey is a parameter that is needed to call those interfaces in etherscan. It needs you to apply for it and you can get it after registering an account. Each account holds up to 3 tokens, request API service service, only one of them is required